In The News!
NOTE: I will not post copyrighted material owned by big corporations, who could sue me forever. I can only give you the references. (Sigh!)
Washington Post articles on Psychics at Fort Meade, MD (Home of the NSA)
- Jack Anderson had a column on Thursday November 2nd that started the ball rolling.
- Various articles then appeared in the Washington Post the week of November 27th, 1995
Associated Press wire service stories
ABC Nightline on Remote Viewing.
- Nightline had a story on Remote Viewing Nov 29th or 30th, I believe. Let me know if you have any more details on this.
NPR Story on 20 years of Remote Viewing Research.
- All Things Considered had a story on November 30th, 1995.
Rumor Central:
Send me any rumors and if they are juicy enough I will post them here.